The Corporation of the Tourism Industry of Quebec (CITQ) welcomes you to its website. This constitutes an agreement between you and CITQ and governs your use of CITQ's official website and its content (collectively, the site). You expressly agree, on your own behalf and on behalf of any individual you claim to represent, without limitation or reservation, to comply with this agreement and adhere to its terms each time you use the site and its interactive tools; furthermore, you affirm and guarantee that you have the legal authority to enter into this agreement on your own behalf and on behalf of any individual you claim to represent. You acknowledge and agree that this agreement is subject to change without notice. However, the text of the most recent agreement will be posted on the site, and it is recommended that you review the agreement each time you use the site. Please print a copy of this agreement for your reference. You may view and download the content from the site subject to the terms of this agreement.

Copyright, Trademarks, Permission to Reproduce
The content of the site has been produced or compiled by CITQ to provide visitors with direct access to information about its various projects, developments, new programs, new policies, new rules, news, and new services. CITQ holds the copyright on the documents and graphic elements displayed on the site. Written documents available on the site may be used, downloaded, printed, and reproduced in whole or in part (1) if they are used or reproduced exactly, without modification, (2) if it is stated that CITQ is the source, (3) if they are used solely for informational or educational purposes, and for non-commercial purposes, or (4) if this copyright notice and the disclaimers posted on the site appear on all copies. Reproduction and redistribution of any graphic element appearing on the site are prohibited, except with written permission from CITQ. CITQ logos are trademarks or service marks of CITQ. It is prohibited to use them without written permission from CITQ. Additionally, the use of documents for commercial purposes is prohibited, except with written permission from CITQ. To request permission or to obtain further information on how to obtain permission, please contact:

Corporation of the Tourism Industry of Quebec
1010 De Sérigny Street, Suite 810
Longueuil (Quebec) J4K 5G7
Phone: (450) 679-3737
Toll-Free: 1 866 499-0550
Fax: (450) 679-1489
Email: info@citq.qc.ca

Third-Party Documents
Some documents and graphic elements on CITQ project websites are subject to the copyright of other organizations. In such cases, certain restrictions on reproducing documents or graphic elements may apply, and permission from the copyright holder may be required before making copies. For information on copyright ownership on the site, please contact us: info@citq.qc.ca.

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You certify to CITQ that you will not use the site for illegal or prohibited purposes, as stipulated by the terms of this legal notice. Furthermore, you agree that you will not use the site in a manner that disables, damages, overburdens, impairs, or affects the use of the site by other visitors. You acknowledge that you are prohibited from obtaining or attempting to obtain material or information published on the site through means not intentionally made available or provided by CITQ.

Information-Only Documentation. Disclaimer
CITQ strives to ensure that all documents displayed on the site are up-to-date and that interactive tools are functional, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the documents you use are the most recent versions and are obtained from the site at the time you download or use them, and not from a cache or stored copy on your Internet service provider’s server, your computer, or a third party’s site. CITQ disclaims any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies contained in these documents or for the non-functioning of certain interactive applications. You use interactive tools (such as automated email submissions for requests) at your own risk, without any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied. CITQ will not be liable to you or anyone else for any losses or damages resulting from or arising out of the use of interactive tools. It is therefore imperative that anyone relying on a decision verify references to rules and dispute resolution policies and take necessary steps to ensure that requests are received in a timely manner. Furthermore, and subject to the provisions of the above paragraph, CITQ disclaims any responsibility regarding the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of any documentation provided by it, and for the consequences arising from the use of CITQ material not obtained from the site at the time of use.

Regarding your use of the site, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITQ, its directors, officers, and employees from any claims, liabilities, losses, and reasonable attorney fees related to any action arising out of such use.

External Hyperlinks
Some of the information displayed on the site has been provided by external sources. CITQ disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of information provided by such sources. Users concerned with the reliability of the information should consult the source directly. The site may contain links to other websites or other websites may link to the site; these external sites are operated or created by or for organizations other than CITQ. You acknowledge that CITQ does not operate or control external websites or their content, and that links to these sites are provided for your convenience. These organizations are solely responsible for the operation and information displayed (including the right to display) on their respective websites. It is possible that these websites do not have a French version. Links to the site or links from the site do not imply that CITQ endorses the organizations or the information they offer, or that it provides any guarantee in that regard, including regarding the right to display the information.

The inclusion of a link to an external website, including but not limited to a partner link, does not imply CITQ's endorsement. You acknowledge that CITQ assumes no responsibility for links to these external websites, nor any responsibility related to their operation or content (including the right to display information), information, interpretation, comments, or opinions expressed therein. Comments and inquiries related to websites other than the site should be directed to the organization operating that website. CITQ uses software that monitors data transmission over the network to detect any unauthorized attempts to download or modify information or cause other damage. This software receives and logs the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that has communicated with our website, the date and time of the visit, and the pages viewed. We do not attempt to link these IP addresses to the identities of visitors unless we detect an attempt to damage the site.

CITQ does not normally use electronic tracking devices ("cookies"), except in the cases mentioned in this document. A "cookie" is a small file that can be placed on your computer without your knowledge by a website to monitor your use of the site.

CITQ uses cookies only when you log into a protected area of the site (e.g., Restricted Section for Operators at other times when accessing the protected area of the site). Cookies are used to facilitate your access to the site (e.g., so that you do not have to enter login information each time you want to access a different page in the protected area of the site). CITQ does not collect any specific or identifiable personal information from your computer. The cookie will remain active on your computer for the duration of your visit to the secure area of the site, up to a maximum of 30 minutes. When you log out or when the 30 minutes expire, the cookie placed on your computer will expire and be removed from your computer; CITQ will no longer track your movements on the site. Cookies may be used in certain other situations. When electronic cookies are active and you have cookie notification settings enabled on your browser, the system will notify you before they query your computer, and you will have the option to refuse them.

If any provision of this legal notice is declared void, invalid, or unenforceable, it will be enforced by the arbitrator to the extent possible, and its scope will be reduced only to the extent absolutely necessary to make it compliant with applicable laws. If any provision of this notice is declared void, invalid, or unenforceable, it will be removed. The fact that a part of a provision or a provision itself is declared void, invalid, or unenforceable will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

CITQ is a corporation established under Canadian laws. The site is controlled and operated by CITQ located in the province of Quebec, Canada. This agreement is governed by the laws of the province of Quebec and the applicable federal laws of Canada and should be considered a contract governed by the laws of Quebec, without regard to conflict of law principles. All disputes related to the site fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of the province of Quebec. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the province of Quebec, whose decision in any legal proceedings related to the site will be final.

If you are a visitor to the site and read and accept the French version of the legal notice, you confirm and agree that the French version of the notice will prevail in the event of a discrepancy between the two versions.

To Read



August 8 2024

Have You Moved? Don't forget to inform the CITQ!
Click here to learn more



June 10 2024

How to display a tourist accommodation registration number and certificate?
Click here to learn more



May 3 2024

Rapport d’activités 2023 et Nouveau conseil d’administration de la CITQ
Click here to learn more



January 15 2024

Have You Removed Your Classification Sign?
Click here to learn more



November 10 2023

5 good reasons to renew your establishment's registration
Click here to learn more



September 7 2023

CITQ Portal and registration certificate
Click here to learn more



August 31 2023

Entrée en vigueur des dispositions de la Loi 25 (French Only)
Click here to learn more



August 4, 2023

Removal of Classification Signs
Click here to learn more



June 27, 2023

New Registration Certificate
Click here to learn more



May 9, 2023

Projet de loi visant à lutter contre l’hébergement touristique illégal
Click here to learn more



April 19, 2023

A new president elected to the CITQ board
Click here to learn more


2022 Activity Report

April 19, 2023

Publication of the 2022 activity report
Click here to learn more



September 1st, 2022

New categories of tourist accommodation establishments
Click here to learn more



August 25, 2022

Impacts of the new tourist accomodation act on your establishment
Click here to learn more

Our Mission

Performs classification and certification services for products and services on behalf of public and private customers. As such, it acts as an agent of the Minister of Tourism for the registration of accommodation establishments and is officially recognized by the Minister as a delegated body to exercise certain of these powers.

  • © Corporation de l'industrie touristique du Québec - All rights reserved