Principal residence establishments
Establishments where accommodation is offered, by means of a single reservation, in the main residence of the operator to one person or a single group of related persons at a time and not including any meals served on site.
Youth tourist accommodation establishments
Establishments where at least 30% of the accommodation units consist of beds in one or more dormitories or where the accommodation is primarily provided through activities primarily for the disadvantaged or disabled.
*A dormitory corresponds to a room containing at least two beds offered for rent on an individual basis.
General tourist accommodation establishments
Establishments, other than principal residence establishments and youth tourist accommodation establishments, where accommodation is provided through one or more types of accommodation units.
General tourist accommodation establishments belonging to the following types must register with the CITQ:
Hotel establishments
Includes establishments offering accommodations such as rooms, suites, or furnished apartments with kitchenettes, as well as hotel services such as reception or housekeeping. Also includes any other establishment that does not fall into one of the other categories described on this page.
Tourist homes
Establishments, other than principal establishment residences, that offer accommodation in furnished apartments, houses or cottages, including kitchen facilities.
Bed and breakfast establishments
Establishments that offer, for an all-inclusive price, accommodation in rooms in a private residence where the operator resides and rents a maximum of 5 rooms receiving a maximum of 15 persons, including breakfast served on the premises.
Establishments, among others, that offer, for an all-inclusive price, accommodation, including food services or kitchen facilities, recreational or entertainment services, and recreational facilities and equipment.
* Some establishments of this type could also be found in the youth category if they meet the definition of this category.
Youth hostels*
Establishments, among others, that offer accommodation in rooms, or in beds in one or more dormitories, including food services or kitchen facilities.
* Some establishments of this type could also be found in the youth category if they meet the definition of this category.
Educational institutions
Establishments that offer accommodation in an educational institution, governed by whichever Act, except if the accommodation units are rented to students of the institution only.