Ministry of Tourism
For all information related to tourist accommodation (Law and Regulation, Display, Offenses and Fines) and to validate the compliance of a registration: Hébergement Touristique | Gouvernement du Québec (French only)
For the official promotional website of the Quebec destination: Tourism and holidays Québec, Canada | Official tourist site of the Gouvernement du Québec | Bonjour Québec
For the profiles of tourist accommodation establishments: Where to sleep in Québec: our accommodations | Bonjour Québec
For statistics on tourist accommodation:
Accommodation 360; combined portrait of accommodation (commercial accommodation, short-term accommodation, and camping): Hébergement 360 : portrait global des différents produits d’hébergement touristique au Québec | Gouvernement du Québec (French only)
Performance of tourist accommodation establishments: Résultats de l’Enquête sur la fréquentation des établissements d’hébergement du Québec | Gouvernement du Québec (French only)
Attendance of tourist accommodation establishments by MRC: Résultats de l’Enquête sur la fréquentation des établissements d’hébergement du Québec — Extraction spéciale par MRC (2019-2023) | Gouvernement du Québec (French only) -
Revenu Québec
For information on the Accommodation Tax:
Tax on Lodging | Revenu Québec
To report a non-compliant tourist accommodation establishment:
How to Report Non-Compliance -
For information on mandatory training in food hygiene and safety (if your establishment offers food service or food preparation): MAPAQ - Formation obligatoire en hygiène et salubrité alimentaires (French only)
Légis Québec
Law on tourist accommodation: H-1.01 - Tourist Accommodation Act
Regulation on tourist accommodation:
H-1.01, r. 1 - Tourist Accommodation Regulation -
Camping Québec
To register a camping or ready-to-camp establishment:
Tourist Accommodation Act | Camping Québec -
Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec
To express dissatisfaction regarding the tourist services offered in Quebec (following a stay at a tourist accommodation, for example): Handling Complaints - Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec
For tourist signage (Blue signs): Signalisation touristique Panneau bleu - Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec and Accueil - Panneau Bleu (French only)

January 13, 2025
La CITQ est très heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Karine Gendron à la direction générale de la Corporation! (French Only)
Click here to learn more.