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As of September 1, 2022, the mandatory classification system and its star-based sign* will be abolished.

The classification and principal residence certificates will be replaced by an annual registration and declaration of the accommodation and services offered.

*Your sign may remain in place until August 31, 2023.
As of September 1, you will have no action to take as your establishment will automatically be deemed as registered.
You will receive a written proof of your establishment's registration which must be displayed in full view of the tourist clientele.
You will be required to display your establishment registration number in all your advertising, which will be the same as your current establishment number.
You will need to renew your establishment's registration at the appropriate time. We will send you the procedure to follow when the time comes.
We invite you to read the press release from the Tourism Minister as well as their other publications for more details.

Watch for our upcoming communications regarding your establishment!
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